Sunday, May 6, 2012

huevos con tequila, vale la pena, chores, ridealongs, 4 to da flo

I burned 4ish days in San Jose doing largely nothing and it felt great.  Thankfully the guide books were wrong again and English is not that readily spoken in Costa Rica.  Sure you could def get by speaking english, but it´s been great practicing spanish and the locals have been thuper friendly in helping me learn.  It´s been reaasuring for me because it turns out the roughly $1K I spent on spanish tutoring over the past years has been worth much more than just a hot face to look into every week. 

I met an Aussie gurl named Briley at my hostel and we hung out for the next couple of days.  She didn´t speak a word of espanol so she was relieved I could help get her around town.  After about 20 minutes of meeting her I invited her to din din and dranks with my new friend Allison, which Euhana hooked up for me (danke!).  The next day Briley and I had pretty much the most exciting day you could have in San Jose.  Went on a quick hike in the nearby mountains, walked around town, ate some chinese food (actually really good) then went to the movies. 

And I know what some of you might be thinking (ahem, Jane).  OMG did you hook up!?!?!  OMG was it like a date!?!?  OMG!!

Nope.  Truth be told, those days I spent with her were probs the best time I´ve had with a girl with my clothes on in 10 years. 

Next day caught the bus to Manuel Antonio and just chilled.  It´s really beautiful though def touristy.  The next day Allison and some of her coworkers headed up here where they have a house through work.  Sick. 

We dicked around on the beach all day before hitting the sauce hard.  We meandered our way through a few bars in Manuel Antonio, dahncing to some epically sultry live music.  Then we stepped out to make our next move where Allison chatted up some cops and convinced them to give us a ride into Quepos.  Check. Ridealong to a bar knocked off the bucket list. 

After a couple stops in town we headed to the outskirts to a dirty lil discoteca.  We stood about 50 yds away and it looked pretty standard, feebly lit by a few fluorescent bulbs and haphazardly strung XMAS lights. 

I´d seen it all before, in Belize.  Locals only, a few bad seeds stalking around the bar, putting up a facade to trick tourists.  Calling you friend but switching between english, spanish and creole to mask their true intentions. 

"Uh iono bout this one guys," I squeaked.  Allison shot me a repugnant look.  "Dude, we´ll be cool," she assured me. 

Well hallelujah, good thing I listened to her.  We walked in and the place was completely different than the outside led on.  We were the only gringos and became entranced with the live band pumping merengue, salsa, etc.  Goodness these latinos know how to dance.  Like what the turd. 

But then they switched to a house DJ.  Yeah muchachos, get off MY dahnce floor.  Time for me to shine.  And oh did I.  We dahnced all night until they switched back to latin music.  Guidebook lie numero dos - gays DEF do not need to hide in Costa Rica.  These two gay couples took over the dance floor and everyone quickly scurried off.  It was unlike anything I´ve ever seen.  Like I wanted to go home with them.  They were that good. 

Made our way back home and I crawled onto my sleeping mat to a view of the sun rising over the jungle and the symphony of waking birds and monkeys.  Pretttttty, pretttttty, pretttttty mel. 

I think I´ll stay here for another couple days and head to the ML Antonio park, get in the water, etc.  Then head to I don´t really know.  Maybe Monteverde or Montezuma. 

Hasta pronto amigos. 

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