Sunday, May 27, 2012

first week in da books

Just finished my first week in Xela.  Unreal.  My family's really awesome - mi madrasta or step mom as I call her is a great cook and always makes sure I have what I need.  Just as I thought the lil one's a total monster.  She's nice to practice spanish with and everyday after school she wants to play like the hyperactive 4 year old she is.

To be frank going to spanish school gives me a hard on.  Not literally of course.  Well usually not.  But compared to my working days in tech where all I could think about was lunch and my packed bong Lamar waiting for me at home, I can't get enough of the immersion.  I get to speak spanish for 6ish hours a day and then homework takes up another 3 or so.  The only time I hear or speak english is with other expats though my roomie and I have agreed to only speak spanish to each other.  Kimberly, my roomie, moved in about a week after I did.  And unlike the last kimberley i knew, she's not a soul-sucking psychopath hellbent on selling ads.  Shes really chill and a good roomie to have.

Everyone at the school is thuper awesome and we've been having a great time.  Its nice being nearly the youngest again and the group is all serious about learning and living abroad.  Tho i'm a bit worried about the incoming groups of college kids on summer break.  Of course, thats my target demo. jk!  but yeah, the ones ive met are a bit green in the life experience realm.

Xela's a great, quiet place to settle down.  I feel comforted by the lack of tourists, poor infrastructure and shoddy roads.  And of course, omg, the re-emergence of a robust street food scene.  Tortas, sausages, tacos, carnitas, Xela has it all on the street.  And really these are the only locals I've gotten to know so far.  Interestingly enough, guatemalan tortas are tots different than mexican tortas.  Tortas here are kinda just a plate of meat with rice, beans, etc.  Tho they have mexican tortas here as well.  Air pound.  After bars close its kinda like walking around the mission at night except the whole town's covered in awesome food.  Oh dudes and the markets are great, like being back in Vietnam, kinda.  With all the sounds, colors and smells of a good third world farmers market.  Food porn will return soon to FB I prom.

It costs me about $5 a day to live with a shared apt and 3 meals so I don't really see a reason to leave anytime soon.  But I do have DirecTV as well.  Living the third world stereotype lol.  Got to watch The Rock in spanish yesterday.  Man, Nick Cage's facial expressions translate brilliantly to spanish.

The night scene's been dec.  We found a bar just like Thieves and I got to play some pool.  Anytime Bert, and I'm down to beat you in Guatemala too.  Then we ended up at this awesome underground after hours gay club (only gay clubs stay open late here, i'm not surprised).  It was in a laundromat that was converted to a dance club.  And of course it had the cheapest, stiffest drinks in town.  Sickter brah.

Alright thats it.  Talk soon amigos and I leave you with an awesome quote from benny franklin.

"si sabes gastar menos de lo que ganas, has encontrado la piedra filosofal"

in other words, save your money dummies and come visit me.

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