Monday, May 14, 2012

grown-up treehouses, sandra lee, ATV

Well it takes about two hours to become completely familiarized with Montezuma, which was nice.  I met up with Allisone the day after I got there which was supeaaaar.  We checked into a sweet hostel with an ocean view and such up in the forest by the beach. 

Since food is quite meh in this country and pricey to boot (notice the severe lack of food porn on FB right now!?!?!), we opted to cook most meals instead.  The first night we made ramen, like uh the instant kind, with some chopped veggies, chorizo and fried egg.  Good and all, but dersicles simple.  We were the talk of the hostel that night, with all the guests wanting to know more about our cooking and how we pulled it off.  A bit odd, like we won an inspirational award or something.  But I really must thank my cooking partner Allisone, God, and my culinary inspiration, the drunken goddess Sandra Lee. 

We hiked to some watersfalls one afternoon in the jungle which were really nice.  Allison jumped off one of em but me, being a gigantic pussy, did not. 

On our last day we rented an ATV to check out some of the more remote beaches along the Peninsula.  Allisone drove.  She almost bucked me off a half dozen times before we left the parking lot but soon her feminine driving prowess took over and we plowed our way through the hills, up along the coast.  Pretty epic scenery. 

On the way home we stopped bya  fisherman and bought an absolutely beautiful red snapper.  Like sexier than P Cruz.  We grilled the snapper in banana leaves and it was deliciouuus as ms. lee would say. 

As we wrapped up din we got pulled into a two hour convo with the security guard which turned out to be pretty awesome.  We talked about where the sluttiest and most ignorant girls come from (the U.S.), his 9 children from 5 diff women, working life, etc. 

Took the bus out of Montezuma at some god-foresaken hour this am and headed to Monteverde.  Updated the link to pics on the right. 

hasta pronto

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