Monday, October 8, 2012

silicone, you can dahnce if you want to, smores, dead jesus

Gross if you thought I would start a blog post with fake breasts from the title.  No, this week we broke ground on the aquaponics gig hur in Xela.  I brought the materials over to Juan Pablo's house and the chickies from my program came along as well.  We didn't have all we needed so we really just started with siliconing the seams and filling the spaces in the wooden growbed.  Mas to come this week.

Wednesday turned out to be quite the day.  Played soccer between schools on a mini astro-turf soccer field.  It was kinda a battle of the incompetents but fun nonetheless.  I've never seen someone miss a soccer ball so much as I did with Ailsa.  Well maybe Rosita.  Then I picked up Chinese food and the lot of us met at my place to watch the debate.  Actually, not bad Chinese food.  Warmed my soul a bit.  Ended up getting my drank on witnessing the debacle before we headed out around 11.  We were on the way to the usual dank and divey Pool and Beer when I called an audible and we headed to the somewhat douchey Parranda.   I mean sure it was douchey as usual but with my wasted state and the lack of appropriate dahncing I've had recently, I think the whole town knew we had a great time!  Yeah, I mean Randy pants and his latino culo over there was dancing up a salsa storm but I do maintain that Ailsa and I held up our own even if we might have caused a few danceflo casualties.

Headed to Tulate otra vez this weekend and again, the WTF am I feel of Tulate didn't disappoint.  Hopped on a bus around 11am (thanks pareja lenta) and made it to Tulate around 3:30.  Fishermen were just unloading their catch on the dock so naturally we picked up a couple lbs. of jumbo shrimp.  Took the boat across the river, walked along the black sand for 30 min or so and arrived to our ruvrey beach bungalow without another soul in sight.  Hit the sauce, soaked up the rays brah, cooked dinner and passed out around 10.

Awoke round 7am the next day, Jason Bourne'd it down the beach again, bought food and came back to mimosas and a veggie scramble.   Continued on the train to blackout town during the day, met up with Breh's friend Kristen and then helped the local sea turtle program release hatchling Leatherbacks into the sunset.  I may or may not have had a semi.  Cooked some mas shrimp for din and then got a bonfire started.  Sorry for drinking all your booze Kristen, but yeah, the Xela crew did as they do best and lost themselves.  Spent the night storytelling around the bonfire (with smores!), went skinny dipping with bioluminescent plankton and then watched as Randy and Ailsa collapsed like dead Jesus.  Put the kiddies to bed then had like a forever therapy sesh with Jenn (dat her job) about life and que putas I'm doing.  Good times.

Got up, bussed it back to Xela and met up with Bam Bam in the hood.  So bro'ing out this week, que dios les bendiga.  ciao.

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