Saturday, July 21, 2012

recess, profi, LTD'ing, Belice

Last day of classes yesterday...for a while.  Gonna take a break to spend some time reviewing and studying on my own and focus more efforts on my project and work.  To say I feel comfortable in this humdrum town would be a grand understatement.  I love the feel more by the day and already feel like I know everyone, kinda like Leave it to Beaver except I wouldn't sleep in a separate bed next to my wife.

Getting the ball rolling on the aqua gig here, hopefully we'll be online in the next month or so.  The concept is to use the aquaponic garden, leveraging the relationships of El Infinito and my school to demonstrate to students and other locals alternative methods of producing food.  Clearly the goal is not to put aquaponic gardens in every household but rather to break cultural norms (by growing veggies in rocks for example) and opening a dialogue about sustainable and more efficient ways of producing food.

I taught my first classes the other day to a class of 15 year-olds and another to a group of 10-11's.  We talked about environmental science and human interaction and human-caused environmental issues.  What really surprised me was the complete apathy (and absence for that matter) of the teachers juxtaposed against the hunger to learn of the kids.  When the bell rang, for example, the kids told me that they didn't need to leave and that I should stay to keep chatting with them.  Turd, I remember when I was 15, I couldn't wait to bounce outta class.  Anyway, I think I'll groom the classes to be one of the first groups through our interchange program for OFOG.

We had our first exchange yesterday via skype with the students in Oakland and the folks here, including the El Infinito dudes and Estuardo, mi teacher's son who's volunteering for me.  What an experience.  Something I've dreamed about for the last year finally happened.  Espesh since we did 85% of it in espanol with people on both sides translating for those that needed help.  We talked about the food sitch here, agricultural techniques, typical foods, american perspecitves, etc.  Felt great to get the cultural share thang on.

To further the incest that broods in this town, I've agreed to fill Max's shoes as a volunteer at El Infinito.  Basically, managing the garden and helping out with various educational programs, which is what I'm already doing.  So that's coo.  Plus they have an epic living room for epic sesh time.  huhuhuhuh.

I've recently met two less than attractive Euros with super hot Mexican girlfriends.  They don't even really speak the language that well.  Turd.  Well I guess there's two takeaways from this:

1)  So you're telling me there's a chance!

2)  The phenomenon of locals falling for FOBs is not only relegated to shy Asian girls with creepy, frail white dudes.

Gots mi first border run this week so I'm heading to Livingston then Belize for some time on the beach and fun under di sea.  Yeah, I know, life's tough.

BTW, hypem's been blowing up with sickter tunes but this song takes the prize right now:

Signing off, hasta luego padrotes

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