Thursday, December 27, 2012

glitter and glam, melting santas, back in asia, peacocking, return to the road

Jiminy, so it's been a bit over a month since our last chat.  I spose I've been up to a lot but also not much at all.  Came home right in time for Thanksgiving, weighed in at my pre-Guate weight (woohoo 3rd world diet!) and hung out with the family.  Read books, caught up on project work, watched sunsets, drove around with the windows down and the heat on.  The usual for PV one might say.  Honestly those couple weeks were pretty much a giant haze.  I mean.  Blur.  Giant blur.

Booked it back to SF for a couple weeks.  Man o man how I miss it up there.  Saw Bert, who's becoming more ROC everyday and other bros and broettes around town.  My feral friend Alby that I met in Vietnam came into town ahead of our trip down south so I had a buddy to putz around SF with.  Michelle (RBF not ex-gf) and I hosted our second annual date night and needless to say things got thuper weird.  Can't wait for next year!!!  Berlin edition!?!  Spent a couple days in the East Bay which included a site visit to our pilot in East Oakland.  Pretty sweet.  Also checked out the site where we'll be putting our community program "Guns to Gardens".  Stay tuned for that one.

We kicked it at Bam Bam's place in North Beach for a few days which was soooo money.  Sure NB is a bit douchey for my long-term tastes but its next door neighbor is Chinatown.  So we had some variation of Asian food at least twice a day.  Ya knah, trying to get my fix before heading south again.  Side note, he has f'ing heat lamps on his patio!!  Perfect for the meteor shower broheim.

Woke up hungover for Santacon, walked to Chinatown for some pho and then to our friend Jennica's to pregrame.  Threw some drinks back and then we dahnced around Polk as merry fat men for a bit.  Headed to Michelle's going away after that to keep da party moving and then hopped aboard the Bootie train surprise surprise.  I do have to say tho that my new sleeveless cookie monster sweatshirt was like a siren song on the dance floor.  I used it to meet this one chick by sneaking up behind her in line for the bano and whispering "do you want my cookies child?"

No I'm jk.  That would be really weird.  Like weird in a bad way, not a thuper cool way.  But I did meet an awesome  chick and spent the night tearing up the d flo with her.  In true mdm fashion, I took her to Mission Chinese the following week and then we ended at Dirty Thieves getting bizco over PBR whiskey specials.  You know, the further I creep out of this BPY cave the more I learn about what I'm looking for.  I feel like for the first time the proper head is doing not all, but at least most of the decision making.  So much so that I didn't even go for a dflo makeout that night.  She was really smart, mellow AND athletic.  Athletic body > skinny ano body in mi opinion.  Would be cool to get to kno her more but alas, this life of semi-solitude is what i've chosen to live for now.

Anyway, we came back to LA for Christmas and more of the same general LA'ing about life.  Made it out to Silver Lake anoche to meet up with Jane & Co. and see Ninaaaaaa.  Nice seeing my favorite wee adventurer lolz.  Silver Lake was actually pretty cool, but yeaaaah.  Reaaaaallllly hipster.  Finished the night at LA institution Tommy's and night capped in only the truest LA fashion.  Cruising through downtown on the 110 blazed and listening to 90s rap.

Sir Alby and I fly down to Costa Rica tomorrow morning and gonna spend the night there.  Then taking the 530am bus to Los Chiles, Costa Rica and a boat up the river to El Castillo, Nicaragua.  Wanna spend bout a week losing ourselves in the jungle before heading back up to Guate and then through Mexico to the good ole USA.   And then kicking it in SE Asia til the Mongol Rally.  Get some.

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