Friday, March 8, 2013

speed, more speed, walking across, lots of nothing, magners

This'll be brief.  Took the overnight bus from San Ignacio northwards.  Got off in that nothing town I mentioned earlier and Alby (rightfully so) suggested we get back on the bus and keep going to Ensenada.  Ensenada's a cruise ship border town so it's filled with cheap prescription drugs, dirty bars and creepy dudes.  Well when in Rome right.  So we checked in to an hourly motel and hopped on the party train.  Long story short, after an amount of certain stuff that would make Robert Downey Jr. spin, too many beers, a good amount of nudity and going to bed at 5am we woke up not with a hangover, but with an empty, hollow, omg what happened feeling.  I did manage to meet a really cool chick tho...that wasn't a hooker!

Anyway, a few days of recovery and we crossed the border by foot in Tijuana then trained it back to LA.  Kicked it in LA for a couple weeks doing frankly nothing.  Did have a memorable afternoon with Herm though.  And you know, being on the road and seeing stuff and what not as I've been doing, I've come to realize that it's these kinds of little things that you really end up remembering.  People talk about these transcendental, life-altering experiences traveling, but I would tell them to piss off and that life is really made up of events like this - We got stoned (surprise).  Made some lunch together, hung out, then walked down the cliffs on low tide and spent a couple hours hiking around and exploring the tide pools.  Blunted it (surprise).  Then we went into this cave that I had always seen but never been in.  The opening is about the size of a man on his stomach but once you crawl through it opens up to maybe 30ft x 30ft.  Really awesome afternoon with my lil bro.  And something that keeps you grounded in what the human experience is really about.

Hopped up to SF for 5 days, saw Bert and the gang which twas awesome, ate at HOPR (omg so good) and then flew over to HK.  So here I am.  Half drunk on Magner's in SoHo HK being British in Asia and staying with Nathan.  Talk soon once I'm back in Vietnam.

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