Tuesday, January 22, 2013

aussie rules, demo gardens, cuando te vayas, mexico

Bout to leave Guatemala for Mexico manaña.  First lesson learned in Guatemala is don't make bets with Aussies.  They don't play games.  Looks like I'm the hook for now but asi es i guess.  Really haven't been doing anything to exciting hurr in Xela.  Mainly been running around tying up loose ends I left from last time and building a small demo aquaponic garden for Juan Pablo to take to presentations and such.  We actually built a really sweet setup, using a media-based grow bed, bell siphon and supplemental airlift pump.  Gah, my parents would be so proud of the engineer I've sorta but not really become.  

Finally ate ceviche from the back of a truck which was a pretty tasty midday treat.  Leavin la chinita will be tough but who knows where we might meet up next.  One things for sure tho - def need to come back to latin america an improve my spanish.  Alright that's it for now.  On to San Cristobal tomorrow.  Vaya con dios, brah.

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