Monday, August 20, 2012

new faces, hiccups, cream floats and turds don't, smell of money

Being back in Xela without my homies felt and still does feel weird.  So I've been spending more time working on a few different things.  Just finished the website for our sister school (my first!) and we're already being included in some of the top search rankings, which for an SEO-based industry is a thuper duper thing.  Annnnnnnnnd, it's my first paycheck in 7 months!  Then I just got this gig rebuilding a website for a Mayan midwife cooperative.  Yeah, never would have imagined that.  Tech and my experience in that bitch goddess industry has come in handy for me.

Finally got the quote to ship our garden from Oakland to Xela for a cool $2K.  Uh, not gonna work bro.  So we're redesigning a more basic model that can be shipping easily as checked-baggage or I could just make it here.  We just need someone to bring down the electronics. (LO I'm looking at you, gracias prima).  Continued teaching my classes which I think I'm going to stop.  Like any school, there's kids that are dying to learn and take advantage of opportunities and those that don't.  AKA what I call the cream vs. the turds.  And yes, turds float sometimes, but I'm not going to sit around and hope that some turd floats eventually.  So for the past few weeks I've been giving the kids tasks and assignments to test their real level of dedication to this interchange program.  So it looks like I've now got a group of 8-10 kids and have gotten the green light from the headmaster to create an after school program.  Pikaw.  And yes, you might be thinking to yourself right now that these are people and that how dare I compare them to turds.  Well sorry but grow a pair.  What do you think the SAT is.  I just use more blunt terms than some odd numerical scale.

Cena nights, often synonymous with my-blackout-night-of-the-week, felt odd two weeks ago without all my friends.  And the newbies that I had met seemed like granola veggies that didn't drink and laid out their clothes on Saturday night for the Sunday service.  Well after spending two weeks eating odd meats on the street and partying until 4am with them I can safely say that I was wrong.  Like on Friday we went out to the ush spots then ended up wandering to an after hours bar where guys left and right were hitting on my friends. I just told the ladies to say that I was their brother.  God that's def one thing I love about latin culture.  So then I spent the next 2 hours talking to these guys, having them ask permission if they can dance with my friends and apologizing if they inadvertently touched them (I handed them a no touching rule).  Claro que si, we eventually ended the night at Bar Gay (original eh) and foot long hot dogs (made of pork, thank you).

Went to the Sunday market at Chichicastenango yesterday, about two hours away from Xela. They sell pretty much everything there, including foooooooood.  Fried whole trout with all the fixin's, yeaaah.  It was also pretty interesting that everyone there spoke K'iche as their native tongue so the market had a kinda Apocolypto feel to it.

Ok back to work.  Look for updates to the Kijani site soon which will include new pages about our pilot projects.

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